Progressive disclosure

What progressive disclosure means for you

A long page with buttons in 3 different configurations: 1. everything primary, 2. one primary
  and the rest secondary, 3. everything secondary.

How to choose what’s most important

  • What’s the user’s primary goal at this moment?
    • Here, it’s not just about the overall goal (such as booking a flight within a budget), but the goal on a given screen (such as choosing a date).
  • Is there any information that users would need to know some of the time, but not always?
    • Are there any advanced options that fit certain scenarios, but aren’t likely to be used by everyone?
  • If all of the information were displayed and users could choose to hide some of it, what would many of them choose?
    • User testing could come in handy to determine what people find unnecessary.
  • Is any of the information additional explanation of something already present?
    • If something is present, it’s a good candidate for an interaction that can show more details.



Error forms


How to use with Orbit




